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Presentation options available at the 3rd ICMBB:
The 3rd ICMBB Scientific Committee welcomes original contributions for oral and poster presentations related to the following fields:
Agricultural (Plant & Animal) Biotechnology
Medical and Allied Health Sciences
Industrial Bioprocess Biotechnology
Environmental Biotechnology
Food Biotechnology, Food Security and GMOs
Aquatic and Marine Biology
Bioinfomatics and Big Data
Bioethics, Biosafety & Biosecurity
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Clinical Molecular Biology
Natural Products and Drug Discovery
Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics & Metabolomics
Biomolecular Technology and Nanotechnology
The following are scientific presentation options available at the 3rd ICMBB. All accepted and presented abstracts (Oral, Poster and Pecha Kucha categories only) will be eligible for publication in the APJMBB special edition.
Click on each to know more!
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